Schools for Gifted Education Needs in Silver Spring

by | Jun 4, 2013 | Education

You know your child is special. Granted, you are the parent and may be a bit biased but still you know this. There are programs such as Silver Spring Pre School available which benefit these special, gifted children so why not take advantage of them. Studies have shown that when properly taught, gifted children are more likely to excel in college as well as life.

Gifted Education Silver Spring which may also be known as Talented and Gifted (TAG) is a term to describe the methods used for educating children who are considered talented or intellectually gifted. At present there is not a global definition or standard of what qualifies as gifted or talented. According to a 2011 paper from the National Association for Gifted Children the term ‘gifted’ describes children who show outstanding aptitude in at least one domain where ‘aptitude’ is defined as the exceptional ability to reason or learn.

There are a few terms commonly used in Gifted Education Silver Spring. ‘Differentiation’ is the modification of the student’s curriculum to accommodate specific needs. This could include changing the level ability or content of the material used.’Grouping’ is the methodology of segregating students based on learning ability or coursework mastery. In gifted education children are often segregated based on subject mastery to avoid repeating teaching of subjects already learned. ‘Individualized Education Program’ is a document designed to address a students individual needs. This document may specify classroom instruction, materials and other accommodations the student requires. These documents are usually required for students with disabilities including learning disorders but are not used in the cases where the child is simply bored or unchallenged in class.

Visit for the gifted education. Forms of Gifted Education Silver Spring include ‘Hobby’ which is defined as activities such as reading, computer games, music and art. ‘Enrichment’ where students spend all their time with grade level peers but are given extra materials designed to challenge them. This could be as simple as modifying their standard assignments to formal programs or academic competitions. ‘Compacting’ uses pretesting to establish the skill level and material mastery of the student to see what coursework they can skip. ‘Acceleration’ advances students to the class level which fits their abilities and may include skipping grades.


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