Specialists who want to earn a graduate degree in fine arts have traditionally had to jump through a number of hoops in order to do so. They generally had to have a certain amount of time as residents, which was measured as hours spent matriculating on a specific...
What Are the Benefits to Outsourcing Your Corporate Training?
Providing adequate training for your corporate employees is essential to making sure that your remaining employees receive the management they need. By outsourcing your corporate training, you can ensure that you save time and money while still providing your...
Sad History: Questions to Ask Kids After Visiting the Holocaust Center
You're thinking of taking your kids to the Holocaust Center so that they can learn more about that horrible period in human history. After learning about the Holocaust victims, you should ask your kids some questions, the following are some things to keep in mind....
The importance of teaching about the Holocaust in Middle School
Information about the Holocaust is typically taught during middle school. However, this historical event is sometimes glossed over and discussed in a cursory way. While speaking about the Holocaust can be uncomfortable, middle school students must learn about this...
Improve Your Child’s Academic Performance with Social-Emotional Curriculum
The importance of a proven social-emotional curriculum for children cannot be overstated. Despite this, however, many parents send their children to school with little knowledge about a school's tools, techniques or philosophies. Here are three ways any parent can go...