If your sales are slipping, perhaps it is time to have a sales meeting with your staff. It can be difficult to garner sales with a slumping economy. Your sales staff may just need inspiration to entice customers to purchase your products. A professional speaker will...
Help Your Child Succeed in Calculus – Hire an Online Calculus Tutor
There is a love-hate relationship when it comes to calculus. Typically, most students lean towards the hate side. This kind of math is quite complex and can be a struggle for even the brightest of students. And unless you, the parent, are a calculus teacher or...
How to Use the Time-Series Method to Predict and Forecast Sales Revenue
Any sales management consultant in Chicago will tell you that no matter what size your company might be it is imperative to learn how to predict and forecast sales revenue. A method that many companies use is the time-series method. You can introduce this method into...
Five Important Qualities of Captivating Motivational Speakers
If you are looking for motivational speakers for your next conference or event there are five important qualities that captivating motivational speakers all share: 1. Optimism: It would seem a waste of time to hire a motivational speaker who does not have an endless...
A Motivated Sales Force can Increase Productivity
There is no worse encounter than the sales consultant or representative that lacks morale or insight on the product they are promoting. What happens more often than not is that individuals are prompted to make purchases by encouragement and pleasant encounters. It is...