Ways to Teach Your Students in Las Vegas About the Holocaust

by | Dec 17, 2020 | Education

As a teacher, an important lesson plan that you might want to design pertains to the Holocaust. Students can learn about the Jews and how they lived and the horrors that they had to face. Here are a few tips for teaching about this event in history.


Consider starting your Holocaust teaching plan with a question or two. These questions should get students thinking about the life that they have and what life might have been like for Jews impacted by the events of the Holocaust so that they can appreciate the freedoms that they have.

“E” Lesson

One model that you could try focusing on is using different factors including engaging, explaining, and elaborating. You can take each detail of the Holocaust and use the components of the plan to teach students about the details of the Jews and the suffering they endured as well as what the outcome of the Holocaust meant for the government and the rest of the world.


Examine all of the resources that are available to you when teaching about the Holocaust. There are videos that you can show and then discuss with your students as well as books that have pictures that could be of more assistance for those who don’t learn well from videos When crafting a Holocaust teaching plan, there are educational websites that have worksheets that you can use after a lesson in order to test your students to see what they have retained. These resources can be combined to create a self-taught unit for your class.

Contact ZACHOR Holocaust Curriculum at https://zachorlearn.org for more information about ways you can teach your class about the Holocaust.

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