What You Can Do With an Art Degree: The Answer May Surprise You!

by | May 13, 2020 | Education

Unless you already know what you want to major in, you may be wondering what it is you can do with an art degree.

You have a creative streak that you’d like to use to make a living, but you aren’t so sure what to do with your skillset.

If you need some help determining what you should major in, here are a few ideas to help get your creative juices flowing before applying to one of the top art schools in the US.

Art School: Going Beyond the Paint and Brush

Besides being a traditional paintbrush and canvas artist, here are a few other ideas you could consider helping launch your collegiate career in art school:

1. Graphic Design – If you have a knack for creating eye-grabbing visuals, it is possible that a career in graphic design could be for you. Just be sure to be handy with a laptop if you plan to go this route, as many design tools are now done through computer software.

2. Craft Artist – Craft artists work with their hands to create beautiful goods, such as homemade pottery or jewelry. If that sounds right up your alley, you’re in luck. These are great ways to start small businesses and, depending on your skill, could make you some big bucks down the road.

3. Animator – Love everything animation? With an art-related degree, you could find yourself creating animated work for movies, video games, television, you name it! The sky’s the limit with this one.

If you are interested in learning more about the opportunities available to you through one of the top art schools in the US, contact the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, or visit online.

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